Đặt câu với từ "gaullist|gaullists"

1. Gaullist control of broadcasting did not lessen.

2. Therein probably lies the potency of the Gaullist concept of state broadcasting.

3. 12 Therein probably lies the potency of the Gaullist concept of state broadcasting.

4. Its strategy was an abject failure on its own terms, for the Gaullists romped home in the June elections.

5. 13 The Third Republic's reputation, he argues, does not deserve the opprobrium heaped upon it by Gaullists and Petainists alike.

6. Mitterrand was supported in the second round by the left and other anti-Gaullists: centrist Jean Monnet, moderate conservative Paul Reynaud and Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour, an extreme right-winger and the lawyer who had defended Raoul Salan, one of the four generals who had organized the 1961 Algiers putsch during the Algerian War.